#229: Buglossoporus quercinus

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4 Responses

  1. shoreacres says:

    I just subscribed to your blog, but am having trouble reaching your About page, the glossary, and some other pages. I keep getting the message “Error in establishing a database connection.” Just thought I’d let you know. I’m new to fungi, and your site certainly looks helpful.

    • Thomas Roehl says:

      Thanks for your feedback, I don’t see anything wrong, so it could have been a temporary server issue. If you continue to have problems, email me so I can check if it’s a browser or operating system compatibility issue.
      For beginners, I recommend joining a local mushroom club – I found it was easier to learn when someone could explain mushrooms in front of me. Also, try identifying as many mushrooms as you can, the practice definitely helps. MushroomExpert.Com is a good free resource for ID keys to North American mushrooms. Happy mushrooming!

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