#202: Aflatoxins

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3 Responses

  1. Lara/Trace says:

    I am studying this – thank you for this information.

  2. technovets says:

    World is mostly getting toxins from feed they consume. like they eat meat and take milk have high level of toxins. aflatoxin are highly dangerous. thanks for share the article, they completely effect the fertility of the animals and humans. in human they mostly cause gastrointestinal problems. i am a veterinarian by profession. corn grains properly processed should be used. i read complete article of yours. what is recommended level of aflatoxin in feed of animals? read my article regarding it https:// technovets.net/aflatoxin-contamination-in-feed-and-milk-technovets/

  1. November 10, 2017

    […] toxins.  Fungi in the genus Aspergillus regularly infect corn and produce the compound aflatoxin (FFF#202), which is known to cause liver cancer.  Using a technique called “RNA interference,” the […]

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